The Secret to Growth and Development
/"Without feedback we cannot grow. At worst, we are stunted and our potential goes unrealized."
Read MoreSeeing True™ is a moment of epiphany that is so pronounced that subsequent changes in direction or behavior are dramatically altered for the better. The Greeks called this “metanoia,” which means "change of mind," though it might translate better today as “a profound change of heart.” In the Seeing True framework, we focus on transformation as the desired result, and forgiveness and relationships as the spaces in which we practice.
"Without feedback we cannot grow. At worst, we are stunted and our potential goes unrealized."
Read MoreWe’d completed a great deal of inner work during the forgiveness retreat, and I was leading a final closing exercise. A young woman approached me and tentatively asked if I would help her. Tears welled in her eyes as her body quaked in response to the memories of abuse rising up within her.
“Stay with me,” I said gently as her eyes started to stray away from mine.
Read MoreNo one awakens in the morning and aspires to be less than what they think is their highest expression.
Read MoreThis is the moment for which many of us labor... perhaps for which many of us live. Transformation affirms the certainty of hope and carries with it the satisfaction of self-mastery. Of course, it also resolves difficulties in our lives and brings forth countless possibilities. Who can argue against greater understanding and effectiveness in our lives?
Read MoreIf you have ever been in a tight spot, physically, emotionally or psychologically, you have experience with this. In darkness, any bit of light brings forth resolve. In tragedy, any glimmer of strength lifts spirits. In seeming hopelessness, any inkling of opportunity brings new energy no matter how weary we may be.
Read MoreJim was a survivor of the beaches of Normandy and D-Day. He was also a survivor of mental health challenges that resulted from military service. Whenever the subject would turn to personal or life difficulties, Jim would invariably offer the same perspective each time.
Read MoreA few years ago, she found her way into Alcoholics Anonymous and sobriety. While that certainly settled some of what she would now call her uneasiness, something more was revealed. It became increasingly clear she was uncomfortable with her gender. Carolyn had never felt like a girl, or a woman.
Read MoreSeeing True is a framework and practice for living an engaged life through forgiveness.
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