

Some of the most important spiritual work we engage in, and often some of the most challenging work, is in relationships, both romantic and platonic.

Engaging in and through relationship is at best an intentional act. It places great value on our ability to be vulnerable and to risk. At the same time, the point of relationship is not the relationship or ourselves; it is instead, to be focused on the other party and their needs. What we seek is a coming together to experience something more.

At the heart of these heady ideas is the notion of relating, which is the active state of interaction beyond ourselves.

There are so very many ways to enhance relating and relationship, and so many pitfalls. Of all the concepts within Seeing True, it is relationships which provides the greatest practice ground.

Are you having a difficult time in relationships with others? Or struggling with a healthy relationship with yourself? Are you contented with your relatedness in your life? Do you experience fulfillment? What do you suppose the best possible relationship might be like? Who would you then be? 


Below you  will find blogposts that relate to Relationships. The free content and materials you find in this website are an expression of Ron's commitment to you and your transformation. If you would like to work with Ron, click HERE.  To receive these posts weekly in your email, subscribe HERE.