Beyond the Personality
/We are born with Essence. Personality is acquired in and by life. Yet most of us are delusional and operate out of what the spiritual teacher Gurdjieff called a ‘false personality.’ We do not know who we are.
Read MoreSeeing True™ is a moment of epiphany that is so pronounced that subsequent changes in direction or behavior are dramatically altered for the better. The Greeks called this “metanoia,” which means "change of mind," though it might translate better today as “a profound change of heart.” In the Seeing True framework, we focus on transformation as the desired result, and forgiveness and relationships as the spaces in which we practice.
We are born with Essence. Personality is acquired in and by life. Yet most of us are delusional and operate out of what the spiritual teacher Gurdjieff called a ‘false personality.’ We do not know who we are.
Read MoreOver many years I have heard grace referenced over and over again, invariably associated with some good that has appeared, and typically with pleasant feelings. But what if everything is Grace?
Read MoreThe path is the result of the steps taken. It does not pre-exist. Instead, we act, or not, then learn, or not. The secret is in the learning.
Read MoreEach of us has adopted our own sense of normal based on our experience. It may not be normal, and may not be useful, but it is familiar.
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Much of what we claim as responsibility is illusory. Yet it is a great comfort to the ego.
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If there is nothing a self can do to overcome itself, what then is the action to be taken?
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If you want to make a difference, to do some things that are far beyond what you imagine, you need to always step into the situations that make you uncomfortable. If it’s not making your palms sweat, you’re not learning anything new. That’s because wherever you feel comfortable you’re safely in your existing aptitudes, talents and skills. But if you really want to add some rocket fuel to your life, go for anything that takes you well outside your comfort zone.
Read MoreSeeing True is a framework and practice for living an engaged life through forgiveness.
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