Ride Baby Ride!
/Any solution can be a good one. Yet, there is no solution without first understanding how we lose our way. That’s an exploration that all of us seem to need.
Read MoreSeeing True™ is a moment of epiphany that is so pronounced that subsequent changes in direction or behavior are dramatically altered for the better. The Greeks called this “metanoia,” which means "change of mind," though it might translate better today as “a profound change of heart.” In the Seeing True framework, we focus on transformation as the desired result, and forgiveness and relationships as the spaces in which we practice.
Any solution can be a good one. Yet, there is no solution without first understanding how we lose our way. That’s an exploration that all of us seem to need.
Read MoreStress isn't always a bad thing. In fact, sometimes stress can help us in our lives and be beneficial to our health. Have you taken a moment to examine what your relationship with stress is like?
Read MoreAwareness changes everything, and make things possible. Of course, the ego of us really wants to believe we are or can be the chooser. Not one of us would say we knowingly and willingly choose terrible things for ourselves. So we must not be the chooser, but somehow we are choosing.
Read MoreAlmost all relationship difficulties can be traced to our expectations: what we expect of the other person, what we expect of ourselves, and what we expect of the relationship itself. Since we should never expect reality to change, including the other person, we have no choice but to look to ourselves.
Read MoreIn the final release in 2019, “Illuminating the Darkness Within”, we looked deeply into our shadow selves in order to see the Light. In our first release in 2020, we revisit the idea of Shadow Work. It is there solutions begin, and with that, it is likewise there that our transformation begins.
Read MoreSome years ago, someone once told me that if we lose our humility we would find ourselves at risk of any number of potential breakdowns in our lives. I was much younger, so I’m not sure I understood, but on some fundamental level it stuck.
Read MoreAre you stuck somewhere in your life? It’s a fine question, the answer to which determines whether we are ready for the follow up question. Are you ready to explore the inner nature of how and why you’ve become stuck? To examine within ourselves what blocks us off?
Read MoreSeeing True is a framework and practice for living an engaged life through forgiveness.
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