The Best Wisdom I Ever Received
/Several people have asked me what is the best wisdom I've received. And the answer is, well, complex. But here's my best attempt to explain it.
Read MoreSeeing True™ is a moment of epiphany that is so pronounced that subsequent changes in direction or behavior are dramatically altered for the better. The Greeks called this “metanoia,” which means "change of mind," though it might translate better today as “a profound change of heart.” In the Seeing True framework, we focus on transformation as the desired result, and forgiveness and relationships as the spaces in which we practice.
Several people have asked me what is the best wisdom I've received. And the answer is, well, complex. But here's my best attempt to explain it.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be a great leader? How do we inspire action amongst others? Here's my presentation at the Toastmasters District 44 Leadership Workshop explaining what transformative leadership looks like.
Read MoreHave you ever thought that maybe an F-bomb was the only word that would truly emphasize the point you're trying to make? Well, me too! In fact, I'd argue that it's a more powerful word than we give it credit.
Read MoreIf parents, relatives, neighbors, coaches, ministers, counselors, police, friends, and countless others had failed to give you feedback, you would not be functional as an adult in the world. Everything from someone teaching you to stay out of the street, to letting you know when your behavior was offensive, to guiding you toward the best possible realization of your potential has had an impact on who you are today.
Read MoreThe only type of love is unconditional love. But that's much easier said than done! Join Ron for this episode of Speaking True, on How to Love Without Conditions
Read MoreSeeing who we are at our core in relationship relieves countless stresses. We only need be true to these most fundamental identities. The mistake is in trying to be or do otherwise.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered how Velcro works? Sometimes our interactions with others work the same way. Many of us get “hooked” together in dynamics and with people in such a way that isn’t beneficial to our well-being.
Read MoreSeeing True is a framework and practice for living an engaged life through forgiveness.
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