We Get To Choose
/Here’s the truth about our experiences: Whatever we believe, and however we perceive, it is through our translation of reality that we have the experience we have.
Read MoreSeeing True™ is a moment of epiphany that is so pronounced that subsequent changes in direction or behavior are dramatically altered for the better. The Greeks called this “metanoia,” which means "change of mind," though it might translate better today as “a profound change of heart.” In the Seeing True framework, we focus on transformation as the desired result, and forgiveness and relationships as the spaces in which we practice.
Here’s the truth about our experiences: Whatever we believe, and however we perceive, it is through our translation of reality that we have the experience we have.
Read MoreOne of the things that keeps occurring in a number of my professional coaching sessions is the question: “When is it ever going to be enough?”
Read MoreRon Chapman returns to Unity Renaissance of Chesapeake with his latest insights and messages from an inner pilgrimage that began a few years ago. He will reconnect with some of the themes he shared during past visits and introduce us to what he now calls Experiential Spirituality.
Read MoreThe Greek word, "metanoia" literally means "beyond the mind." However, we often define it as a “profound change of heart.” Given the centrality of Seeing True’s™ explorations and explanations for transformation, what do these ideas tell us, and where might they take us?
Read MoreWhy is it so difficult to accept that each of us is the architect of our own experience? It was in a conversation with a long-time professional client that a truth appeared.
Read MoreWhat if, in order to find a new way, the old ways must be shattered forever?
Read MoreHave you ever noticed that people don't really want to talk about their failings and their failures? The irony though, is if you look at the research around what we might call success, it's littered with failings that lead up to the supposed success.
Read MoreSeeing True is a framework and practice for living an engaged life through forgiveness.
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