Speaking True: Amazing Grace
/There's a powerful story behind Amazing Grace. If you're not familiar with John Newton, he was a slave trader for many years—yes, that kind of slave trading, transporting Africans to the Americas. But at some point, he had a profound conversion experience—not just a Christian awakening, but a deep internal shift. The story goes that this transformation led him to completely change his stance on the slave trade. In the end, he became instrumental in the creation of Amazing Grace, the hymn we all know—how sweet the sound. You've likely heard it somewhere along the way
There's a spiritual teacher by the name of Rondell who calls that a psychic re-evaluation.
We re-evaluate our position and then suddenly we literally change course. Now, nobody quite knows how we come to this re-evaluation, this psychic change, but we know that it's typically some cumulative experience that brings us to a point, a tipping point like the apothecary scale, where suddenly things just shift and we see the world differently.
There's a Greek word for this, metanoia, a profound change of heart, so that literally we change course.
Some of you have seen this, some of you have experienced this. So what do we need to know about this transformational moment?
First, it's transformational. But more importantly, it's likely the result of small, incremental changes—like adding tiny weights, one by one, to an apothecary scale. If you've ever watched one in action, there's a moment when the slightest addition suddenly tips the balance, creating a shift that changes everything.
In order for that to happen, we have to be bringing data in, we have to be thinking about the circumstance that is in front of us, and let's be really honest, some part of it is kind of inexplicable.
Sometimes that big change, that shift, is precipitated by some significant pain or suffering or difficulty. So if we care about changing that world out there, changing some important piece of the world, it starts in here with our own internal psychic shift, a re-evaluation. It's a really good way to think about it.
You might ask yourself what you're doing to get this shift within yourself.