Finding Grace For Yourself - Yes You Mae Show

Finding Grace For Yourself - Yes You Mae Show

On October 5, 2021, I was invited to be a guest of Amanda Mae Gray of the “Yes You Mae Show” to engage in one of my favorite subjects: finding grace for ourselves, and as a result, finding the wherewithal to offer that grace to others. You cannot provide to others what you cannot provide for yourself.

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Guidance from Beyond?

Guidance from Beyond?

Isn’t it interesting that the ways that our most valuable lessons come are rarely of the placid variety? We seem to learn through thunderbolts, sometimes with pain and suffering, and just as often with epiphanies that turn us in mid-step. Transformation is like that: disruptive, disconcerting, and disorienting.

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Why Would We Want To Be Uncomfortable?

Why Would We Want To Be Uncomfortable?

It all started in a three-way conversation with two long-time mentees, both of whom are quite close to each other as well as often traveling similar developmental paths at the same time. Matt and Charlotte just so happened to both be in major life transitions that were positive, but quite disruptive to their lifestyles.

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Speaking True: Manna from Heaven

Speaking True: Manna from Heaven

A long time ago, a minister told me that I might want to consider that my life - our lives - are manna from heaven, fresh and new every single day. I love that idea. It meant that it's not static; it meant that we get reset regularly. Can you imagine 50 years passing and you haven't altered your perspective on anything?

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A Practice Blossoms

A Practice Blossoms

Long ago a teacher told me that the Universe is always listening and cannot not respond. The question for us is whether are we are willing to step onto that playground. And from there, to see what may come our way. I felt compelled to share my emerging understanding of Seeing True as a practice, thus, Ninety in Ninety was born.

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